HJR1 and SJR2 are attacks on Ohioans to limit our voices at the ballot box. If passed they will create an imbalance of voter power that gives the minority of voters (41%) power over the will of the majority of voters (59%) to make changes to the Ohio Constitution. This will end majority rule of 50% plus 1 and guarantee minority rule in the Ohio constitution by giving roughly 40 % of the voters the power to make decisions for everyone else.

Ohio citizens’ freedom is jeopardized in that it takes away our right to determine changes we want in our community by making it harder for our voices to be heard. These measures would require a 60% “YES” vote to pass an amendment. The 60% threshold would apply to any constitutional change, whether initiated by citizens, the General Assembly or a constitutional convention. HJR1 and SJR2 will also make it harder for issue to get on the ballot by requiring signature collect in all 88 counties (versus 44 counties currently).

Since 1912, Ohioans have used citizen-led ballot measures to have a direct say in our government to make positive change in communities such as passing automatic increased in the minimum wage; establishing casinos which led to job creation; redistricting and fair maps. Providing the state’s citizens a mechanism to appeal to fellow citizens to correct wrongs and amend how things work in Ohio puts a check on the power of legislature who ignore the views of its citizens. We all want the freedom to make decision that affect our lives and ballot measures are designed to provide that freedom.

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